As you can see I was very much into drawing skulls while I was at school. I was pretty pleased with the results, especially when I attempted to do a painting, as I had not done much until that point. I took the skull home, and filled a box with soil, grass and stones in which to create a setting for the skull, and had this standing in the middle of my very small bedroom for ages. I had a very understanding Mother, who tolerated my antics, except the one occasion I managed to spill a whole can of cow gum all over the settee. She did warn me it could happen, and I did not listen, thinking she was being over cautious. I was not flavour of the month I can tell you! Anyway, on refection, the paintings setting and composition turned out a bit contrived, but for me it was all about getting the drawing right, and getting used to the paint at that stage.
I loved the film Jaws, so I was given this jaw of a shark as a present from my parents. Anyway, it gave me another subject which I could do some studies of.
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